Over 4.5 Lakh Property Owners To Benefit From Free Road Accident Insurance Scheme

Over 4.5 lakh property owners in the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) limits have a reason to cheer. They will be entitled to a special road accident insurance cover of Rs 5 lakh for free.
The insurance cover is a reward to these citizens for paying the property tax before the deadline of May 31. The civic body will pay instalments for the scheme.
The programme came into force from March 1, 2018. It will continue till February 27, 2019.
The insured amount will be paid to the beneficiaries in case of death or permanent disability in road accidents. It will not cover treatment expenses for injuries or hospitalization.
According to the National Crime Records Bureau, around 400 fatal accidents are reported every year in the city. Nearly 200 — half of the road accident victims — are two-wheeler riders. Over 4,050 people died in accidents in the city, while more than 5,000 were seriously injured in a decade's time.
The free road accident insurance scheme was a part of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC)'s budget. It has been named after Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay. The civic body has set aside Rs 7 crore for the project.
Dynanewshar Molak, the head of the PMC’s property tax department, said, "These people (getting free accident insurance cover) have paid their dues before the deadline. They will get the benefit of this scheme. It was the condition for becoming a part of this project."
The civic body offers discount to those who pay the property tax between April 1 and May 31. It earned over Rs 600 crore during this period in the current fiscal. Over Rs 52 crore was collected on the last day.
Source: The Times of India, Pune